

1. Set the lace lengths so the pads are parallel on your sides, cordlocks on the left, grip layer on the outside. (NOTE: the photos are of the hand-built prototype #35, not the current production model.)

Bolster Boost

2. While seated, grab both handles with one hand. Lean forward and pass one of the handles, behind your back, to the other hand.

Bolster Boost

3. Or place the pads at your sides, hold onto the handles and sit down into the seat.

Bolster Boost

4. While holding both handles, lean back while wiggling the pads and torso, it should feel snug. Move the pads up and down to find the most comfortable position.

Bolster Boost

5. To tighten, lean forward to take your weight off the left pad. Pull one lace out and slide the cordlock down to the pad. Grab both handles, lean back, and re-center the pads.

Bolster Boost

6. To loosen, lean back hard on the pads and press the cordlock for an instant to let a small length of lace slip through. Grab both handles and recenter the pads.

Bolster Boost

7. Adjust the handles to suit your driving position. Firmly squeeze the handle and bend slightly in or out to create space around it for easy grip.